Imagine a 100% DIY wedding. 100% meaning everything is done by you, it happens in your own garden and the guests camp in the tents. That’s what Emily and Tom have planned for their Big Day and when they contacted me about their plans I knew straight away it’s going to be amazing. I’m a big believer that weddings should be as personal as possible, and I can only imagine the incredible feeling of getting married outside your own house. And not just a normal house, but a place where Emily and Tom moved to a couple of months earlier, changing their busy lives in Leeds for the countryside in Dumfries and Galloway.  A truly inspiring story, and when I heard it for the first time, I knew I have to photograph their wedding. What Emily and Tom didn’t tell me is that apart from planning the most beautiful day, they will also have people around that REALLY  know how to party ( and an amazing music from Rupert Stroud and his band ). Below you can see a small part of the Tom and Emily’s wedfest wedding story.

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