If you follow me on social media you probably know that in my opinion heavy and dark clouds suit Scottish landscape much more than blue sky on a beautiful sunny day. Everytime I head up north, that’s what I hope for – a dramatic scenery with the light changing quickly. At the same time, I also hope that if it rains it won’t be heavy, and the wind will not be strong to the point, that you could call it extreme. Most of the time it works. When I met Eva and Kelly a couple of weeks ago, everything that I was hoping that will not happen, happened. It was the windiest and wettest photo session I have ever done. I was struggling, my gear was struggling, but most of all I felt so sorry for Eva and Kelly as they were getting completely soaked in their beautiful wedding attire. Thankfully, what I didn’t know at the start of the session, Eva and Kelly were the bravest people I’ve ever met – not once I heard them complain or oppose to my crazy ideas. We had a great time, although I have to admit, some of the best moments where the ones when we were jumping back inside the warm car, and it was so worth it. I was probably the most awarding photography day I’ve ever done, and if all other trips to Glencoe I have planned for this year, will be half as good then I really can’t wait.